GYTAN is an acronym for Go Ye Teach All Nations. In Matthew 28:19 (kjv) the bible says, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations". We are a non-profit, non-denominational Christian organization established under the laws of the State of Delaware (USA) and recognized under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Service Regulation §501(c)(3) whose purpose is to provide a conduit for the distribution of support funding and contributor services management for missionaries traveling forth to Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the world in obedience to The Great Commission.
The GYTAN Foundation sponsors various projects around the world in response to the Great Commission. The GYTAN Foundation carefully screens each project applicant and maintains close communications with each missionary, assuring that all projects, in answer to the Great Commission, are compliant with what we believe and that all funding is used for its intended purpose.
Should you wish to make a donation for a specific project, please select one of the projects below.
Belize Ministries - The Thurmonds Project G281907
The Edi Bizerra Family Church Planting. São Paulo, Brasil. Project G281901
The Rick Sturz Family Evangelism. Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil. Project G281902
Bill & Mary Barkley Evangelical Publishing House. São Paulo, Brasil. Project G281905
There are other projects that are hosted in geographically sensitive areas and are intentionally withheld from this website. Should you care to contribute to them please contribute via Project G281900 (below).