Some missionary organizations withhold a small percentage of contributions and use those withholdings to maintain the operation of their organization. This is certainly not wrong. At GYTAN we want the missionary to fully benefit from the contribution of their supporters and therefore takes the position that it will not take any portion of contributions that are designated to missions projects but forwards 100% of those contributions to the designated missionary.

GYTAN does have expenses such as banking fees, envelopes, postage, credit card processing fees, internet web hosting fees, some office supplies, etc. These expenses are covered by the generosity of contributors who specifically contribute for that purpose. GYTAN is staffed by volunteers and pays no salaries nor does it pay compensation to any directors.

We welcome contributions to help defray these overhead costs. Should you wish to make a contribution please contribute to Project G281900 and we will certainly put it to good use.

Again, no fees are ever withheld from donations marked for missions projects and 100% of those contributions are forwarded to the missionaries as designated.

There are other projects that are hosted in geographically sensitive areas and are intentionally withheld from this website.  Should you care to contribute to them please contribute via THE GYTAN FUND. 

(click here to contribute)