Edmilson and Helen Bizerra - Church Planting - São Paulo, Brasil
At the moment we are in the final stages of construction of the new church which has a whole story behind it (we could write a novel). The only thing that has NOT stopped us is lack of money. The Lord has been so good to us. We are pastoring the church, which is a great challenge and joy to us. The church is made up mostly of young couples with small children. We have just begun an evangelistic Bible study at our home, and are excited about the people who are coming. We are running a small Christian publishing house. Our goal is to put out books that will strengthen Brazilian Christians in their faith as well as provide good material for seminaries. We also have a children's line which is for people who need creative resources for teaching the Bible to children.
Besides these ministries, raising three active children keeps us very busy.
Jonathan (6) has already started Kindergarten while Michael (4) and
Stephanie (2) keep us on our toes at home.
a view of the new church building as one looks form the street. The new sanctuary will accommodate up to 150 people (Brasilian style).
Helen, leading a group activity during a women's Sunday School class.
Tutoring ministry to underprivileged kids: The majority of the kids come from an orphanage across the street from the church.